Friday, May 9, 2008

Donnie Darko 2! Why?

Apparently, a sequel to Donnie Darko, with no involvement from Richard Kelly (or Jake Gyllenhaal, presumably) is set to begin filming May 18th. Does anyone think this is a good idea?

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50 Worst Album Covers of All Time

Here are some of the worst--and cheesiest--album covers EVER.

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Teacher fired for Wizardry

This is unbelievable. Are we on the way to a modern version of the Dark Ages or are we already there?

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What Would Republican Jesus Do?

Strk3 has some GREAT propaganda-style t-shirt and poster designs.

Check them out here: Strk3

Coyotes Attack!

According to the media, coyotes are on the prowl in Southern California, and they have a taste for small children. First, it was child abductors on every corner, now coyotes. What's a parent to do? Don't these mean coyotes know the children are our future? Coyotes, sharks, alligators in Florida kitchens - how will any of us survive?

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Iron Man Deserves an Oscar

Cult favorite movies such as those in the comic movie genre often don’t make an appearance at big awards shows, unless it’s in the technical categories; Entertainment Weekly critic Ken Tucker wants a change, and he wants Iron Man to lead it.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A Tax Holiday to Nowhere

Hillary Clinton has joined John McCain in proposing the most irresponsible policy idea of the year: suspending the federal gas tax this summer. Both of them know it's a terrible pander, and yet they're pushing it anyway for crass political advantage. The goal is to depict Barack Obama as an out-of-touch elitist, by any means necessary.

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Iron Man is the Best-Reviewed Movie of 2008!

The Marvel icon's inaugural foray onto the big screen is not only Certified Fresh and Rotten Tomatoes' best-reviewed film of the year so far -- it's also potentially one of the highest-rated superhero movies of all time.

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Steven Spielberg and George Lucas Talk Indy IV

The minds behind ''Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'' share secrets and trade memories in a rare joint interview.

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NEW Indiana Jones IV Trailer

Opens May 22nd!

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Funny Barack Obama T-shirt

Found this via a Google search and thought it was pretty funny. Not sure who is selling these because it's just a photobucket image...

Carbonite Confusion: Cartoon for Star Wars and Indiana Jones Fans

Han Solo is awakened from his carbonite slumber by a mysterious figure...